import { ascend, identity, map, path, pipe, sortWith, useWith } from 'ramda';
const pathToAscendSort = pipe(path, ascend);
const mapPathsToAscendSort = map(pathToAscendSort);
* Sort a list of objects by a list of paths (if first path value is equivalent, sort by second, etc).
* @func sortByPaths
* @memberOf RA
* @since {@link|v3.1.0}
* @category List
* @sig [[k]] -> [{k: v}] -> [{k: v}]
* @param {Array.<Array.<string>>} paths A list of paths in the list param to sort by
* @param {Array.<object>} list A list of objects to be sorted
* @return {Array.<object>} A new list sorted by the paths in the paths param
* @example
* const alice = {
* name: 'Alice',
* address: {
* street: 31,
* zipCode: 97777,
* },
* };
* const bob = {
* name: 'Bob',
* address: {
* street: 31,
* zipCode: 55555,
* },
* };
* const clara = {
* name: 'Clara',
* address: {
* street: 32,
* zipCode: 90210,
* },
* };
* const people = [clara, bob, alice]
* RA.sortByPaths([
* ['address', 'street'],
* ['address', 'zipCode'],
* ], people); // => [bob, alice, clara]
* RA.sortByPaths([
* ['address', 'zipCode'],
* ['address', 'street'],
* ], people); // => [bob, clara, alice]
const sortByPaths = useWith(sortWith, [mapPathsToAscendSort, identity]);
export default sortByPaths;