import { both, pipe, toString, equals } from 'ramda';
import isObj from './isObj';
* Checks if input value is a native `Promise`.
* The Promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure)
* of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value.
* @func isPromise
* @memberOf RA
* @since {@link|v2.1.0}
* @category Type
* @sig * -> Boolean
* @param {*} val The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
* @see {@link|Promises/A+}, {@link RA.isThenable|isThenable}
* @example
* RA.isPromise(null); // => false
* RA.isPromise(undefined); // => false
* RA.isPromise([]); // => false
* RA.isPromise(Promise.resolve()); // => true
* RA.isPromise(Promise.reject()); // => true
* RA.isPromise({ then: () => 1 }); // => false
const isPromise = both(isObj, pipe(toString, equals('[object Promise]')));
export default isPromise;